VR/AR/MR SOLUTIONS IN HEALTHCARE, Stakeholder meeting, VR Conference and Mini Exhibition | Budapest, Hungary

2024.03.21 09:30

Topic | This year, Innoskart Dugital Cluster will focus on VR (Virtual Reality), AR (Augmented Reality) and MR (Mixed Reality) solutions. In addition to exploring the interfaces and collaboration opportunities between the medical technology industry and the digital services sector, the event will focus on showcasing innovations in the field of VR/AR/MR in healthcare. Of course, there will also be the opportunity to try out the devices and solutions presented at our Mini Exhibition.

Date | 27 March 2024, 09:30-14:00

Location | B.BRAUN Medical Aesculap Academy, Budapest, Halmi Ășt 22.

Invitation and registration | VR/AR/MR SOLUTIONS IN HEALTHCARE

You can register at the following link: